the other day i got a wonderful package in the mail. i finally got my hands on some palettes and i must say i am in love.
i always say people on youtube and different blogs raving about the color pay off. so i figured, for $20 something dollars, i would have every single color and my videos will have products that a lot of my subscribers/viewers own or can easily purchase since mac can add up quickly.
i got the blush palette (
the 88 palette (
and some wonderful brushes. i got 3 badger brushes which i adore and 3 synthetic brushes.
click the pictures so see them bigger and in their entirety. :)
the color pay off is insane. you can see on my finger.
well, i hope everyone is doing great. i got a really bad head cold so my videos have been put on hold. i have to do a voice over video but i cant stop coughing so we'll see how it goes. haha. miss you guys!